Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions by our visitors, customers, and consumers:
1.) Do you ship internationally?
Currently, Mantiques ships to all 50 states and Canada. Mantiques does not ship overseas.
2.) How long is shipping time?
Shipping depends on a number of factors, including distance and weather. However, it is Mantiques' guarantee to ship your product within 2 business days (48 business hours) of receiving the order.
3.) Can you keep an eye our for a specific item for me?
Mantiques keeps a list of customers and their specific wants and needs. Shoot us an email at with the word "WANTED" as the subject line. In the body of the email, list or describe the exact items you are looking for and the best possible way to contact you. Mantiques will do its best to contact you if the item/items are found, or if we found something similar you may enjoy. (Please note: Do to the number of requests, we may not be able to reach out to each person individually. Therefore, please continue to check out website on a daily or weekly basis for updates.)
4.) Does Mantiques accept returns?
Mantiques will accept any return within 30 days from purchase date for store credit, provided the item is in the exact same condition as it was when purchased. The buyer is responsible for return shipping. Please refer to our "Return Policy" for complete details.
5.) Does Mantiques purchase items or collections?
Yes, Mantiques is always looking to purchase individual items or collections. The best way to sell an item is to send an email with the description of the item/collection, a picture of the item/collection, and your full contact information to Please use "FOR SALE: X ITEM/X COLLECTION" in the subject line. We will try answer as quickly as possible. (Please note: Since we are based in Massachusetts, it will be difficult for us to travel to distances outside of New England for pickup.)
Mantiques is the officially trademarked venue for your shed, garage, or man-cave collectibles. With over 35 years of collecting experience by its owner, Mantiques strives to be the #1 Online Antiques Shop in the United States. Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us with any questions or requests at
© 2025, Mantiques